The pirate ship is definitely my favourite! I also particularly like that the sand bath has ears (I thought this thoroughly justified it being a little overpriced ;) ).
On a further note, I was looking for food to buy them earlier and came across the most perfect jird food in existence on
Now I don't speak German, but luckily an English ingredients list was included in the description! The title is 'Bunny Gerbil Dream'. It basically includes cereals, vegetables, vitamin pellets, millet, seeds, and crickets and mealworms! It is literally their entire natural diet in a packet.
It is however a whopping £6 per pack, and the pack only weighs 600g. Tesco premium hamster food is only a mere £2 for 1kg. Quite a difference there! I of course will want the best for my jirds but my last pair were perfectly healthy on hamster food supplemented with the usual extras (dry cat food, mealworms, fresh veg etc) so I think that I will probably get the dream gerbil stuff, but maybe only give it to them every other day, or maybe do a half and half mix with regular hamster food.
All the toys are so cute! I can't wait for when you get them. :)