Thursday, 4 August 2011

Hot Jirds and Cute Sleeping Pics

I'm sure you've all been enjoying the heat wave we've had lately. I certainly have! I was a bit worried about the jirds though because they didn't seem their normal selves. They came out of their house to sleep on the bedding outside, and weren't as active. I thought they were probably feeling a bit hot. I'd read on that they had given their jirds a cold stone to sit on. Unfortunately I live in the middle of town and stones are not very common! I improvised with a small dish from the cupboard and left it in the fridge for a few minutes before putting it in their house. They quite liked sitting on it to cool off and were quite keen to jump in the sand bath when I put it in there to freshen up.

They have decided to sleep in the top of their house now but I think it's a bit of a squash as one normally sleeps out of the door! This has meant that I was able to take a couple of very cute pictures...

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